Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Making the Right Choice

 As we all go through life we come across a number of occasions when we have to make a choice

We take a decision based on the circumstances at that particular point of time

Some are impulsive decisons, some analytical ,some based on past experience

We take these decisions without interpreting the consequences it will have on our lives in the future

These decisions may turn out to be just frivolous ,some life changing and some just routine , bearing no consequence on our day to day life

Certain decisions are routine, like getting from the bed in the morning ,doing the regular daily chores, getting ready to go to work, spending time with family and friends 

We don't spend time on such decisions. They come naturally to us and we don't stand and ponder as to what we should do

Sometimes, but rarely will we pause and stare, think and then move forward

Sometimes we just follow the gut feeling and leave the rest to whoever we believe in

Much later in life if things go awry because of a wrong decision, we blame the circumstances

We often say.

What could I do   

I had no choice but to take that particular decision and make that particular choice

Only a few have the courage to admit that they were wrong..

That they had a choice BIUT made the wrong choice

Only those who are courageous enough to admit that they had a choice and made the wrong choice are the ones who succeed in life as they are intelligent enough to learn from their mistakes rather than blame the circumstances

So you decide for your self ..WHO are you

One who learns from his mistakes or who leaves life to be governed by circumstances

After all Life is what we make of it and its about Making the right choice.

Only those who learn from their mistakes, are prepared to admit their mistakes will be real  winners


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

My poem

 My poem for my son,daughter in law n grandchildren on the eve of their immigration to UK 

As you grow wings 

To fly far far away

Leaving the nest which nurtured you

Which was your cosy home so far

Forget you not your old ties

The bonds which are so dear

With all those who were far or near

As you ascend to great heights

In lands hitherto unknown 

Forget you not 

Your original roots

Keep your eyes and ears grounded

N hear the heartbeats of your loved ones

Whom you leave behind

You will grow

You will mature

Like a flower you will blossom

Spread your fragrance in the world

Which you are going to embrace

Those of us who you  leave behind

Will laugh at the thought of good moments spent together

Will also  cry

Not with anguish 

But with a smile 

Cherishing the memories of the wonderful times

Everyday in every moment of our lives

You will stay etched in our thoughts

As we pray to the almighty 

For the welfare,progress health wealth n prosperity of a great future

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Start of my AI journey

Though I joined AI on 15 Jan 1973 ,my tryst with the aviation industry started way back in he summer of 1956

During our summer holidays we decided to spend some time with our cousins at our maternal
uncles house in Moti Bagh

The Delhi airport ,hitherto functional from Safdarjung, had just moved to Palam

One fine morning me and the other five cousins decided to go to palam airport for our morning walk 
We asked our mamji how far was Palam Airport

He just gestured and muttered something like....not too far..ज्यादा दूर नहीं है 

Armed with this information we started out at approximately six in the morning and ambled along
However the palam airport was nowhere in sight
We trudged along fresh with the morning energy and finally around 8 am. reached Palam airport
 unlike today, there were no strict security regulations and we could manage to go right upto the tarmac only a few yards away from the aeroplane parked majestically on the tarmac

I don't remember what aircraft it was ,but presume it was an Indian Airlines aircraft

We were overawed with the spectacle as for most of us it was a first sight of a LIVE aircraft

We stood there for an unknown length of time and once we were done moved inside the building
The first thing I  did was to call my mother in Kamla Nagar from the PCO.I still remember the number 24905

When I told her excited where we were, her words to me were..ध्यान से रहना॥ कहीं हवाई जहाज के नीचे मत आ  जाना and I  told her we would be careful

After the initial euphoria, now was the time to go back. All tired and the energy having dissipated in the summer heat we started walking back
Every now and then we would look over our shoulders to see if any one could give us a lift back to Motibagh

However it was not to be
Then we found a half full packet of PASSING SHOW Cigarettes on the road side
We picked it up ,hoping to use it to lure someone to give us a lift

We saw someone on a Lambretta scooter and waved the packet at him
He stopped and and we requested him for a lift
He agreed and all six of us jumped on to his scooter. He was mad and almost threw us off before driving off

After about fifteen minutes we saw a cyclist who was kind enough to stop
After hearing our ordeal he agreed to give a lift to my cousin
He went home with him, picked up a cycle and did a relay till we were all back home tired but happy with the experience

This was my first brush with aviation

Unknown to me I would make the aviation industry as my career in the years to come